Airsoft Safety
Safety is our primary concern at SplatterPark. The following rules below were designed to keep play safe, competitive, and enjoyable. These rules will be discussed during the safety briefing at the field before you play. Other rules may be added or discussed at that time. If you have any questions, they can be addressed during the briefing or as they arise during your day of play.
Following the rules is mandatory for everyone. Be safe. Have fun.
Following the rules is mandatory for everyone. Be safe. Have fun.
SplatterPark Airsoft Open Play Rules
- Face/eye protection must be worn by all persons at all times on the field and in the target area. Face protection must include full seal goggles that meet or exceed ANSI Z87.1-2003 impact rating. Face protection must consist of rigid protection that fully covers and protects the eyes, mouth and nose. This means face coverings like ski goggles, lab goggles, safety glasses, surplus gas masks, etc. is not permitted for use at SplatterPark. All outside face protection should be approved by a SplatterPark staff member prior to use. If your equipment does not meet these standards, masks are available for rental or purchase.
- Barrel covers must be used at all times in the staging area, neutral, or parking areas, when leaving the fields, and when not actively playing in a game. Pistols must remain holstered with magazine removed while in the staging, neutral, or parking areas.
- No firing of any kind (including dry firing) is allowed in staging area, neutral, or parking areas. Use the appropriate target area to test, chrono, and clear your equipment.
- All airsoft replicas (including pistols) must chrono at or below the listed FPS (feet per second) using a .20 gram bb before play begins. Airsoft replicas that cannot chrono within these parameters are not allowed to be used at SplatterPark. Riot shields and melee kills are prohibited. "Bang Bang" rules can be used as a courtesy to avoid shooting too close.
- Semi-Auto only. Binary and Full-Auto modes are not permitted for use.
- Do not disassemble or modify rental guns.
- Do not use any type of BB in the rental airsoft equipment that is not provided to you by the SplatterPark staff. Do not pick up and attempt to shoot used BBs. They will cause gun problems and jamming.
- Physical contact and dangerous play will not be tolerated. No blind firing.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid any field obstacles and or hazards.
- Play with honor and call your hits. Referees cannot track hits on players. You are considered hit if you or anything you’re wearing is struck by a BB directly fired from another player regardless of friend or foe, or struck by a BB discharged from an approved airsoft grenade. Ricochets, and gun hits are not considered eliminations. When in doubt, call your hit.
- Once you have been hit, yell out “HIT” repeatedly and display your barrel cover for other players to see that you have been eliminated. Head back to either the designated respawn point or the elimination area to await the beginning of the next game.
- Referees will explain game types and objectives prior to walking onto the field of play. If you have any questions ask your referee. Obey all instructions given by the referees. If you have a problem while on the field yell or signal for a referee to assist you. Referee decisions are final.
- Good sportsmanship is expected of all players. Profanity, verbal or physical harassment and cheating will not be tolerated. If you suspect players are cheating, please inform your referee so they can monitor the suspected player.
- Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on the premises. Players arriving under the influence will not be allowed to participate and will be asked to leave.
- Do not shoot at lights, signs, or other park fixtures in an attempt to vandalize them. Players suspected of vandalism will be dismissed from SplatterPark without refund.
- ”Thunder B” Distraction Grenades, “Tornado”, “Cyclone” and “Taggin” Airsoft Grenades have been approved for use at SplatterPark. Any other type of “airsoft grenade” or “airsoft ordinance” must be approved by staff prior to use.
- Only Cold Burning Smoke Grenades purchased at SplatterPark are approved for use.
- Pyrotechnics, fireworks, smoke bombs, homemade smoke devices, homemade airsoft grenades, any device with an open flame and trip wires are not allowed at SplatterPark. If you have a device in question, please check with staff prior to use.
- The minimum age to play Airsoft at SplatterPark is 10 years old.
- Failure to follow these rules may result in your dismissal from SplatterPark without refund. SplatterPark reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime.
Follow the Rules, Be Safe, and HAVE FUN!
SplatterPark is NOT responsible for lost or damaged belongings, so KEEP TRACK of what you bring with you.
Airsoft FPS Limits
.20g - 400 fps
.25g - 358 fps
.28g - 339 fps
.30g - 327 fps
.32g - 317 fps
.36g - 298 fps
Energy Limit - 1.5 Joules
SplatterPark is NOT responsible for lost or damaged belongings, so KEEP TRACK of what you bring with you.
Airsoft FPS Limits
.20g - 400 fps
.25g - 358 fps
.28g - 339 fps
.30g - 327 fps
.32g - 317 fps
.36g - 298 fps
Energy Limit - 1.5 Joules