First Timer FAQs - What is the speed limit at SplatterPark?
What is paintball? Is paintball safe? Does it hurt when you get shot? What should I wear to play in? Who can play paintball at Splatterpark? Will the paint stain my clothes? How much will it cost? What is the speed limit at Splatterpark? Why should I play at an organized field? What equipment will I be using if I rent? What food is available? Can I bring my own? When Should I show up? |
The speed of a paintball is measured in the fps (feet per second) of the paintball as it leaves the barrel of the gun.
The speed limit of Traditional Paintball is 285 fps. The speed limit for airsoft is as follows: .20g - 400fps .25g - 358fps .28g - 339fps .30g - 327fps .32g - 317fps .36g - 298fps Energy Limit - 1.5 Joules |